Yesterday I attended an event in New York City given by Triberr. The event was #TribeUpNYC (take a look at the hashtag or my timeline for that day to check out some of the tweets from the event). This event was flippin awesome. I mean really awesome. First off, this was the first event I have attended as a blogger so I don’t have anything to compare this to. However, I am usually happy at any event that is intimate and you can chat it up with real, like-minded, and smart individuals like yourself. Let me tell you that in this department this event did not disappoint at all. Everyone I met was warm, inviting and refreshingly blunt about what it takes to be successful as a blogger.
The event was from 1pm-6pm. They split the day in two. The first half was comprised of mini presentations all focused on four important aspects of blogging: your influence, your brand, blog marketing and how to get paid doing it. We talked SEO, HEO and even FEO. I’m sure you all know the first, but what is HEO and FEO you ask. Well HEO is “Human Engine Optimization” as described by Dino Dogan that gave the Mythbusters presentation. HEO essentially is understanding the motivations of humans cultivating relationships via social media and then bringing it home through real life interaction. As bloggers, we have to constantly reinforce the human aspect of what we do.
FEO is my own little acronym and it stands for “follower engagement optimization”. This idea came to me as I listened to Robert Moore from Internet Media Labsdiscuss the importance of engaging with your followers and creating brand advocates.
We talked the mechanics and intelligence behind Triberr and got the scoop straight from the CEO and one half of the brains behind Triberr, Dan Cristo. After that it was time for some about three hours of networking and it was a blast.
This was just free time spent over wine, beer and tapas discussing the focus of our individual blogs.Sharing best practices, coordinating business partnerships, and making the social to IRL connection were just some of the highlights of the day.
In conclusion, I learned, I connected, I promoted my brand, and I made some new friends and potential business partners in the interim. Triberr is dedicated to facilitating the progression of blogging as an industry thereby creating legitimate jobs and wealth via doing what we all love and that is writing. According to Dan Cristo, Triberr’s main goal is to “treat bloggers like celebrities.” To that I say kudos to him and his team, because I definitely felt like a celebrity at this event.
I already left a note for my tribe about the event. If you aren’t already on Triberr and you’re a blogger I suggest you check it out. The website is Many thanks to Dino Dogan, Dan Cristo, and Internet Media Labs for a great event. See you all next year! ; )